Are you worried that you might be caught in the cycle of disordered eating? It can be challenging to comprehend the complexities of an eating disorder, and discussing your concerns with others might feel daunting. However, dealing with an eating disorder in isolation can be painful and potentially dangerous.

Take a moment to reflect on your relationship with food:

Do you feel a loss of control around food?
Do you categorize food as “good” or “bad” and avoid certain foods?
Do you experience shame or guilt when you eat forbidden foods?
Do you compensate by restricting, purging, or excessive exercise?
Do you try to limit your caloric intake or portion sizes?
Do you fear gaining weight?
Do you avoid social events, work, or school due to body dissatisfaction?
Do you feel anxious eating in front of others?
Do you go long periods without eating?
If you restrict, do you binge in solitude?
Do you hide or hoard food?
Do you prefer to eat alone?

If you suspect you may be struggling with disordered eating, it’s crucial to seek support from a licensed professional who understands your experiences. Thankfully, there are effective ways to restore a healthy relationship with food and cultivate confidence in your ability to make life-affirming choices for yourself.